Believe It's Possible
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed…
John 8:36
May you be encouraged as you continue to draw near to God and believe that he is able to fully accomplish all of his purposes in your life through his limitless power and grace. Remember, what is impossible with man, is possible with God!
A huge step toward experiencing freedom and walking out your identity in Christ is believing that through Christ you can be totally free. So often the children of God look through the lenses of lack and limit themselves by not believing they can truly be free. Unconsciously, they disregard the power of grace that can empower them to live the abundant life Jesus spoke of. The majority of the time, most people mean well and are sincere in their desire to be changed, but without knowing, they are simply not receiving the fullness of the free gift Jesus gave. This should not be condemning, it should be exciting! There is more room to grow up in him for all of us!
In our lives, before knowing Christ, we both struggled heavily with promiscuity, idolatry, drugs and alcohol. Today, God has obliterated those things out of our lives and there is no desire to be that way again. We joyfully testify with the scripture that says,
“You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived.”
Colossians 3:7
Since receiving God’s grace and salvation, these things have not only been removed from our lives, but replaced with fidelity, worship, obedience, and a sober mind in the Beloved. To God be the glory!
It’s common for believers to agree that God can set the alcoholic and drug addict free, and they would likely agree that God has the power to set someone free from worshipping other gods or being sexually immoral. However, what we have noticed as an unfortunate reality, is that worry, anxiety, fears, irritation and pride are not as easily believed to be something that can be eliminated by God’s power.
Many people do not speak of or meditate on how through Christ, “You have been set free from sin.” (Romans 6:18) This often results in it being “normal” to have sin in one’s life, so long as it’s not certain types of sin such as murder, rape, theft, lying, etc.
A culture of sorts has been created where worry, anxiety, and fear are all too commonplace in the child of God, and only spoken of as little mistakes or just “who we are.” If one refuses to call sin what it is, they will never be able to be free from it. As soon as one is willing to humbly acknowledge sin as sin, they will find that the Savior is there to set them free.